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Le blog d'Andronicus Khandjani

Je veux faire connaitre la Bible à mes contemporains. A travers la Bible, Dieu parle aux hommes, sans ce Message l'humanité perd sa part d'humanité

Do not dwell on the past!

Forget the former things; do not dwell on the past. See, I am doing a new thing!Now it springs up; do you not perceive it? 'Isaiah 18:43

After their return from the Babylonian exile, the Jews found themselves in a state of disarray. Their homeland had lost its independence, and enemies threatened them from all sides. Like many other nations, they reminisced about their glorious past and yearned for its return, but in their case, hesitation and regret accompanied their hopes. Furthermore, any conspiracies could jeopardize their future plans, and false reports would raise suspicions among imperial officials.


While it's essential to remember the past and God's blessings, we must be cautious not to limit God to historical deeds. God continues to work in the present, and failing to acknowledge this hinders our progress in His divine plan. Moreover, it's easy to forget that God is constantly at work in the present, and only in retrospect can we recognize the significance of His work. Disregarding the present could result in losing out on the blessings and opportunities that God has in store for us.


The so-called "happy days" result from God's partnership or fellowship with His believers, who pray continuously for awakening, peace, and holiness in the church and walk with God. It's our responsibility to move towards God's future by listening to His voice today instead of dwelling on the past or neglecting the present. Only by recognizing God's current work can we contribute to His plan for the future.


Even amidst persecution and displacement, we must reflect on God's plans for today and be grateful for the opportunity to contribute to His plan for the future. As Abraham did, let us look towards the day of Jesus with hope and anticipation. Let us pray that God will reveal His plans to us today and open our eyes to see His great works. Therefore, it's important to stay vigilant and attentive to God's voice in the present moment, so that we may not miss out on the blessings and opportunities that He has in store for us.

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